May/June 2022 Update

Follow me on my journey to publication

The countdown is on. Only three more months until my debut, The Two Week Promise is released. Things are starting to happen, and I even have a cover! The reveal will take place about a month before release along with the pre-order link, so sometime around the first or second week of August. Right now I’m preparing myself for the big edit. On top of that, my Christmas book, which is now titled One Lucky Christmas, has a cover too and a new release date of November 3, 2022. *Squeals with joy* 

So what else have I been up to since signing my three book deal. Well, I’ve been writing. Like crazy. In the fall I wrote my first bi character, who I ABSOLUTELY LOVED writing. The book is about a sex journalist and a nerdy photographer, which I’m so excited to work on with my beta’s in July to prepare to send to my publisher. If all goes well it could be book three for me. *fingers crossed*

In December I started working on a companion to The Two Week Promise, called The Ex Agreement. For now, it’s on the back burner while I work out some kinks and see how The Two Week Promise does, and if all goes well I’ll be pulling it back out to edit it in hopes of it getting picked up too. 

In March I participated in #RomComMarch on Twitter, and ended up re-writing an old YA Rock-star Romance I wrote back in 2018. It’s taken me a bit to complete it, and more of a Contemporary Romance than Rom Com, but I’m nearly done with the first draft and I think it could definitely be a keeper. 

Once March was over, there was no way I wasn’t doing Camp NaNoWrimo. April 1st rolled around and I had this silly idea to use a fake dating trope for April Fools Day, and went with it, and before April was over I had my first draft done. Two weeks later I dove back in and draft two was done. For now, I’m letting it marinate some more before I work on draft three, and possibly throw it out to some Beta readers. I’m really excited about that one. I loved writing it. 

Along with writing full length novels, I took February to work on my Novella for Wattpad. For the past few years they have run a contest called ONC or Open Novella Contest. They post several prompts in different genres and categories and we have a few months to work on them, each month has a milestone and if you make it through to the next round, you write more. 20k is the minimum to write, and both Novella’s, Break Me (Paranormal Romance), and I’ll Wait For You (Contemporary Romance), made it to the LONG LIST! I have my fingers crossed that they will make it into the shortlist, but we won’t know for another few weeks. 

Also, a short story of mine called Paper Planes and Mended Hearts got into a magazine that my local library has put together. It should be available sometime around mid-June and I will be linking it on my Book page under OTHER PROJECTS. 

Right now, while I wait for edits for my debut, and try to finish up my Rock-star Romance, I’m in the process of deciding if the new idea I’ve been working on will go somewhere. I’m already over 10k words in. It’s so far titled Best Man WIP. Not sure how it will go, but I’m giving it a go. If not I’m sure something will pop into my head. I am also working on another Novella for a Wattpad contest that takes place over 12 weeks, called Hearts On The Line, and I’m really loving how that is turning out. 

And that’s pretty much all that’s happening right now. I’ll make another post maybe sometime after I finish edits to talk about the process and my feelings on it all. Thank you for checking out my webpage and for the support. 

If you’re interested in checking out my Novella’s on Wattpad or any other stories for that matter, you can check out my Wattpad Books page here on my website. Aside from the Novella’s it has some of my other work that have won awards on the website. 

Thank you again. I will update soon, and maybe next time even have an update on when you can expect a cover reveal and pre-order link for The Two Week Promise. I’m looking forward to holding it in my hands and seeing it all done. 

If you are looking for ways to connect with me on social media, my links are on the bio page as well as the main page. If you love music check out my IG page rbrownell_author for Music Monday’s where I share songs that have influenced my books. And I’ve also started a Tik Tok, you can follow me under @reginab_author

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